Galleri Lk-kunst udstiller i atelierets vindue. Mine vindues installationer er blevet corona kult. Her kan man stå i sikkerhed og studere installationen uden den store smitterisiko.
Installationen i maj 2022 hedder Leonardos Univers fordi der indgår elementer fra Leonardo Da Vinci lysende ting og videnskabsrelaterede malerier o.s.v. Installationen er lavet udfra Leonardos 10 kunstneriske bud. Kom lige før skumring og nyd synet imens solen står op eller går ned eller i sommernatten. Det er en installation der omhandler Leornardos Filosofi og mange talenter.
24 juni-31 september Skabt og ide af Kunstner Lotte Kjøller
Installationen kan ses i Gallery Lk-kunst vindue
24 juni til -31 september 2022
Bogholder Alle 66 kl th
2720 Vanløse, Copenhagen, DK
Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci (født 15. april 1452, død 2. maj 1519) var en italiensk maler, billedhugger, arkitekt, ingeniør, opfinder, botaniker, anatom og forfatter. Leonardo da Vinci betragtes som et klassisk renæssancemenneske og geni. Mindre kendt er det, at han også var en dygtig musiker, sanger og lyrespiller. Han svømmede og dykkede, hvilket ikke var almindeligt på den tid, og skrev en del om dette i sine noter. Leonardo da Vincis værk er en del af den italienske højrenæssance.
Levnedsbeskrivelse[redigér | rediger kildetekst]
Leonardo blev født i 1452 i landsbyen Vinci nær byen Firenze i Italien som uægte søn af Ser Piero da Vinci, en velhavende jordejer og advokat og en bondepige – Catarina. Leonardos fulde navn var Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci (Leonardo, søn af Piero fra Vinci). Leonardo signerede som regel sin værker med "Leonardo" eller "Io, Leonardo" (Jeg, Leonardo), hvorfor hans værker oftest omtales "Leonardos" ikke "da Vincis".
Leonardo voksede op hos sin far, og de flyttede i 1469 til Firenze, hvor de lejede et hus på Piazza San Firenze nær Palazzo Vecchio. Gennem hele sit liv var han vegetar. Fra 1469 var han gennem 6 år lærling og senere assistent hos mester Andrea di Cione bedre kendt som Andrea del Verrocchio, én af de mest talentfulde og alsidige kunstnere i Firenze. Han var billedhugger, maler, arkitekt, opfinder, forsker, skriver, filosof, bronzestøber og meget andet og har uden tvivl haft stor indflydelse på Leonardos udvikling. Verrocchio anses almindeligvis for sin tids største kunstner, kun overgået af Donatello. I Verrocchios værksted arbejdede Leonardo sammen med andre af tidens berømte kunstnere som Botticelli, Perugino og Lorenzo di Credi.
I 1472 blev Leonardo optaget i Sankt Lukas Laug som maler Lionardo de Ser Piero da Vinci dipintore. Selv om han således var berettiget til at etablere sit eget værksted, ser det ud til, at han valgte at arbejde endnu mindst 4 år hos sin gamle læremester. I den periode var Leonardo ansvarlig for mange forskellige opgaver som at arrangere optog for Medicierne i 1469 og 1475 og velkomstfestligheder i Firenze i 1471 for Galeazzo Maria Sforza, hertug af Milano.
Fra 1482 til 1499 arbejdede han for hertugen af Milano, Ludovico Sforza og han havde sit eget værksted med lærlinge. 70 tons bronze, der skulle bruges til Leonardos hestestatue Gran Cavallo, blev støbt til våben til brug mod franskmændene under Karl den VIII i 1495.
Da franskmændene vendte tilbage i 1498 under Ludvig XIII, faldt Milano uden kamp, og Sforza blev fordrevet. Leonardo blev i Milano, indtil han en morgen så franske bueskytter anvende lermodellen (i fuld størrelse) af Gran Cavallo som øvelsesmål. Sammen med Salai og vennen Luca Pacioli (opfinderen af det dobbelte bogholderi) rejste han til Mantova og 2 måneder senere til Venezia for i slutningen af april 1500 at fortsætte til Firenze.
I Firenze gik han i tjeneste som militær arkitekt og ingeniør hos Cesare Borgia, søn af Rodrigo Borgia, senere Pave Alexander VI. I 1506 vendte han tilbage til Milano, der nu var i hænderne på Maximilian Sforza, efter at lejetropper havde fordrevet franskmændene. Her mødte han også Francesco Melzi, der skulle blive nær ven og Leonardos ledsager og arving.
Fra 1513 til 1516 boede han i Rom, hvor malere som Raphael og Michelangelo arbejdede på den tid. Leonardo menes ikke at have haft megen kontakt med dem. Dog skal det nævnes at i henhold til bogen The Vatican – Masterpieces, af Enrico Bruschini, i forbindelse med maleriet "The Stanza della Segnatura, er nævnt at Raphael og Leornardo Da Vinci mødtes da Raphael kun var 21 år gammel, og Da Vinci var fyldt 52 år i Firenze i 1504. Raphael blev på et møde så inspireret af Da Vinci at han dagen efter stoppede sit samarbejde med sin læremester Perugino.
I 1515 generobrede Frans I af Frankrig Milano, og Leonardo fik til opgave at skabe et værk: "en mekanisk løve" til fredsforhandlingerne i Bologna mellem den franske konge og Pave Leo 10. I 1516 gik han i tjeneste hos Frans I, og han fik et landsted Clos Lucé nær kongens residens på slottet Amboise. Leonardo fik et stort beløb til sit underhold og blev en nær ven af kongen.
Det siges, at han mistede førligheden i højre hånd efter et slagtilfælde.[kilde mangler] Han døde d. 2. maj i Cloux i Frankrig i 1519. Først d. 12. august blev han begravet i kapellet i kirken Saint-Florentin i Amboise, en kirke som for længst er revet ned. Efter hans ønske fulgtes kisten af 60 tiggere. Kirken eksisterer ikke i dag, så der er ingen der kender den nøjagtige position af hvor Leonardo ligger begravet.
Leonardo synes ikke at haft nære forbindelser med kvinder. I 1476 blev han anonymt beskyldt for at have homoseksuel forbindelse med den 17 år gamle model Jacobo Saltarelli, der også var kendt som prostitueret. Han blev, sammen med tre andre unge mænd, beskyldt for homoseksuel adfærd. Alle fire blev dog frikendt i to omgange. Siden blev Leonardo og de andre overvåget af Firenzes "Nattens officerer" – en form for politistyrke. Man kan ikke med sikkerhed fastlå, om Leonardo var homoseksuel – eller om han simpelthen bare var aseksuel.
Leonardo da Vincis 7 principper[redigér | rediger kildetekst]
Forfatteren Michael J. Gelb har i sin bog How To Think Like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day opstillet syv såkaldte "da Vinci-principper" for at inspirere læseren til at udvikle sit potentiale.
Min istallation er skabt efter Leonardos 10 bud. Principperne er:
- Curiositá: En umættelig nysgerrig tilgang til livet og en ubøjelig søgen efter vedvarende læring
- Dimostrazione: Forpligtelse til at afprøve viden gennem erfaring, vedholdenhed og vilje til at lære af fejl.
- Sensazione: Den stadig skærpelse af sanserne, især synet, som middel til at berige erfaring. (betyder at du gennem hele livet skal blive ved med at udvikle dine sanser)
- Sfumato: Bogstaveligt; gå op i røg - Vilje til at spænde over flertydighed, paradokser og usikkerhed
- Arte/Scienza: Udvikling af ligevægt mellem videnskab og kunst, logik og fantasi. At tænke med hele hjernen
- Corporalita: Udvikling af ynde, tohåndethed, god form og holdning - Leonardo kunne male med begge hænder på samme tid
- Connessione: Erkendelse og forståelse af at alle ting og fænomener hænger sammen. Systemtænkning

In English
Galleri Lk-kunst exhibits in the studio window. My window installations have become corona cult. Here you can stand in safety and study the installation without the great risk of infection.
The May 2022 installation is called Leonardo's Universe because it includes elements from Leonardo Da Vinci's luminous things and science-related paintings, etc. The installation is based on Leonardo's 10 artistic commandments. Come just before dusk and enjoy the view as the sun rises or sets or in the summer night. It is an installation that deals with Leonard's philosophy and many talents.
24 June-31 September Created and idea by Artist Lotte Kjøller
The installation can be seen in the Gallery Lk-kunst window
24 June to -31 September 2022
Bookkeeper All 66 at th
2720 Vanløse, Copenhagen, DK
Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci (born 15 April 1452, died 2 May 1519) was an Italian painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, inventor, botanist, anatomist and author. Leonardo da Vinci is considered a classic Renaissance man and genius. Less well known is that he was also a skilled musician, singer and lyre player. He swam and dived, which was not common at the time, and wrote quite a bit about this in his notes. Leonardo da Vinci's work is part of the Italian High Renaissance.
Leonardo was born in 1452 in the village of Vinci near the city of Florence in Italy as the illegitimate son of Ser Piero da Vinci, a wealthy landowner and lawyer, and a peasant girl – Catarina. Leonardo's full name was Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci (Leonardo, son of Piero da Vinci). Leonardo usually signed his works with "Leonardo" or "Io, Leonardo" (I, Leonardo), which is why his works are most often referred to as "Leonardo's" not "da Vinci's".
Leonardo grew up with his father, and in 1469 they moved to Florence, where they rented a house in Piazza San Firenze, near the Palazzo Vecchio. Throughout his life he was a vegetarian. From 1469 he was for 6 years apprentice and later assistant to master Andrea di Cione better known as Andrea del Verrocchio, one of the most talented and versatile artists in Florence. He was a sculptor, painter, architect, inventor, researcher, writer, philosopher, bronze caster and much more and undoubtedly had a great influence on Leonardo's development. Verrocchio is generally considered the greatest artist of his time, surpassed only by Donatello. In Verrocchio's workshop, Leonardo worked with other famous artists of the time such as Botticelli, Perugino and Lorenzo di Credi.
In 1472 Leonardo was admitted to the Guild of Saint Luke as painter Lionardo de Ser Piero da Vinci dipintore. Although he was thus entitled to establish his own workshop, it seems that he chose to work for at least another 4 years with his old apprentice. During that period, Leonardo was responsible for many different tasks such as arranging processions for the Medici in 1469 and 1475 and welcoming celebrations in Florence in 1471 for Galeazzo Maria Sforza, Duke of Milan.
From 1482 to 1499 he worked for the Duke of Milan, Ludovico Sforza and he had his own workshop with apprentices. 70 tons of bronze, to be used for Leonardo's equestrian statue Gran Cavallo, were cast into weapons for use against the French under Charles VIII in 1495.
When the French returned in 1498 under Louis XIII, Milan fell without a fight and the Sforza were driven out. Leonardo stayed in Milan until one morning he saw French archers using the clay model (full size) of the Gran Cavallo as a practice target. Together with Salai and his friend Luca Pacioli (inventor of double-entry bookkeeping) he traveled to Mantova and 2 months later to Venezia to continue to Florence at the end of April 1500.
In Florence he went into service as a military architect and engineer with Cesare Borgia, son of Rodrigo Borgia, later Pope Alexander VI. In 1506 he returned to Milan, now in the hands of Maximilian Sforza, after mercenaries had driven out the French. Here he also met Francesco Melzi, who was to become Leonardo's close friend and companion and heir.
From 1513 to 1516 he lived in Rome, where painters such as Raphael and Michelangelo worked at the time. Leonardo is not believed to have had much contact with them. However, it should be mentioned that according to the book The Vatican – Masterpieces, by Enrico Bruschini, in connection with the painting "The Stanza della Segnatura, it is mentioned that Raphael and Leonardo Da Vinci met when Raphael was only 21 years old and Da Vinci was full 52 years in Florence in 1504. Raphael was so inspired by Da Vinci at a meeting that the next day he stopped his collaboration with his teacher Perugino.
In 1515 Francis I of France recaptured Milan and Leonardo was commissioned to create a work: "a mechanical lion" for the peace negotiations in Bologna between the French king and Pope Leo 10. In 1516 he entered the service of Francis I and was given a country house Clos Lucé near the king's residence at the castle of Amboise. Leonardo received a large sum for his maintenance and became a close friend of the king.
Leonardo da Vinci; self portrait approx. 1513
It is said that he lost the dexterity of his right hand after a stroke. [source missing] He died on 2 May in Cloux, France in 1519. He was not buried until 12 August in the chapel of the church of Saint-Florentin in Amboise , a church which has long since been demolished. According to his wish, the coffin was followed by 60 beggars. The church does not exist today, so no one knows the exact position of where Leonardo is buried.
Leonardo does not seem to have had close relations with women. In 1476, he was anonymously accused of having a homosexual relationship with the 17-year-old model Jacobo Saltarelli, who was also known as a prostitute. He was accused, along with three other young men, of homosexual behavior. However, all four were acquitted in two rounds. Since then, Leonardo and the others were watched over by Florence's "Officers of the Night" – a kind of police force. It cannot be determined with certainty whether Leonardo was homosexual - or whether he was simply asexual.
In his book How To Think Like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day, author Michael J. Gelb has laid out seven so-called "da Vinci Principles" to inspire the reader to develop his potential.
My installation is created according to Leonardo's 10 commandments. The principles are:
Curiositá: An insatiably curious approach to life and an unyielding quest for continuous learning
Dimostrazione: Commitment to testing knowledge through experience, persistence and willingness to learn from mistakes.
Sensazione: The ever-sharpening of the senses, especially vision, as a means of enriching experience. (meaning that throughout your life you must continue to develop your senses)
Sfumato: Literally; go up in smoke - Willingness to transcend ambiguity, paradoxes and uncertainty
Arte/Scienza: Development of balance between science and art, logic and imagination. To think with the whole brain
Corporalita: Development of grace, ambidextrousness, good form and posture - Leonardo could paint with both hands at the same time
Connessione: Recognition and understanding that all things and phenomena are connected. Systems thinking.
Installation Leonardos Universe photos by Lotte Kjöller
Installation Leonardos Universe video by Lotte Kjöller
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