Kontakt / Contact Lotte Kjøller

Denne side kan du bruge til at skrive til mig. Du skal altid skrive dit navn, og hvis du ønsker en besvarelse, så skal du som minimum skrive din mailadresse.

This page you can use to write to me. You must always write your name and if you want a reply, you must write your email address as a minimum.


Kunstnerisk leder/artistic leader Lars Frantsen

Ejer, Billedkunstner, kongelig hofmaler, kendis, illustrator, lyriker, kurator: Lotte Kjøller

Owner, visual artist, visual artist, Royal Court painter and celebrity, ilustator, poet, and curator Lotte Kjoeller

Ejer/owner, Sponsor: Lars Kjøller




Address details:


Artist Lotte Kjoeller / Kjøller / Kjöller

Billedkunstnervirksomhed af Lotte Kjøller

Visual artist company by artist Lotte Kjoeller


mail: Lk@Lk-kunst.dk

site: www.Lk-kunst.dk


Bank: Danske Bank

Kontohaver: Lotte Kjøller Friedel Therkelsen

Vist konto:

reg nr: 3170         konto nr: 3171935121

IBAN kontonummer: DK6930003171935121



All Rights Reserved. Lotte Kjoeller - E-mail Lk@Lk-kunst.dk.

It is not allowed to steal photos from this page without permission. Theft is punishable!



Visual artist company by artist Lotte Kjoeller

Billedkunstnervirksomhed v. kunstner Lotte Kjøller

Postal Address:

Bogholder Alle 66 kl. th.
2720 Copenhagen


Mail: Lk@Lk-kunst.dk




Lotte Kjøller er billedkunstner, kongelig hofmaler, prinsesse og kendis.


 Lotte Kjoeller is visual artist, Royal Court painter, princess and celebrity.





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Do you want to join my invitations?


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Join my mailist i the menu!


Kontakt mig / Contact me

Contact me by email or phone and we will find a time to meet. You're welcome!

If you have more questions, you are very welcome to contact me here:


Support are welcome

Har du lyst til at give et hvilken som helst anonymt eller ikke anonymt bidrag til billedkunstner Lotte Kjøllers arbejde som kunstner og/eller blog så er du velkommen.

Du kan skrive på betalingen hvad pengene skal bruges til. Alle bidrag er velkomne - små som store! Du skal sætte pengene ind på min konto:

reg nr: 3170         konto nr: 3171935121

eller mobilepay 28780309

Eng: If you want to allow any anonymous or non-anonymous contribution to artist Lotte'Kjoellers work as an artist and/or blog you are very welcome.

You can write on the message what to use the money as a payment. All contributions are welcome -small and big! You need to send the money into my account: mobilepay 28780309.

From abroad you use:

Bank: Arbejdernes Landsbank

Kontohaver: Lotte Kjøller Friedel Therkelsen

Vist konto:

IBAN kontonummer: DK6930003171935121


© Copyright 2000-2021. All Rights Reserved. Lotte Kjoeller - E-mail Lk@Lk-kunst.dk

It is not allowed to steal photos from this page without permission. Theft is punishable!

Last updated March 2021

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