Frygt ikke, for jeg er med dig, fortvivl ikke, for jeg er din Gud. Jeg styrker dig og hjælper dig, min sejrrige hånd holder dig fast.

kvindeMAGT ØNSKES! wishing woman power!
I alvor og spøg.
Galleri Lk-kunst udstiller i atelierets vindue. Mine vindues installationer er blevet kult. Her kan man stå i sikkerhed og studere installationen uden den store sygdomsmæssige risiko. Udstillingen er forsikret.
Det har været en hård tid for alle os danskere. Både bløde mænd, kvinder og børn har lidt under en nærmest borgerkrig agtig skæbne i vores land og ja faktisk i hele verden. Børnene har været de helt store tabere her hos os. Men både børn, kvinder og mødre er taberne.
De har set mor få bank. Nogle har selv fået bank. Masser af bank. Kvinder er blevet voldtaget og børn er blevet seksuelt misbrugt især af Far eller fremmede mænd. Derfor har jeg dedikeret min installation til de misbrugte kvinder.
De unge i Danmark og i verden har protesteret ligesom de unge gjorde det i 60érne. De er gået i kloster. De er begyndt at bede. Hvem skulle have troet det? En mere lys energi er opstået på grund af de unges jobvalg. Vi går en lysere tid i møde i en ellers mørk tid af den grund. Lad kærligheden sejre. Lad lyset sejre.
Jeg udstiller min installation fra 8 - 30 Marts. Den er flottest når solen går op og ned så man kan se den lyser. Jeg sætter lysende kunst i vinduer. Kunst med budskab. Kunst med håb. Vi ønsker jer alle en god og fredelig jul. Lad os have focus på alle kvinderne i verden. Fattige kvinder, rige kvinder, store kvinder, små kvinder og jaalle os voksne eller unge kvinder. unge og kvinder. Alle Guds børn. De unge kvinder er vores nye fremtid. Deres børn er vores fremtid. Går alle de unge i verden i kloster er der ingen fremtid med familie og børn og vores verden vil uddø. Lad os derfor slutte fred med hinanden og indføre mere fredelige metoder til vores kvinde og børne og unge opdragelse.
Hilsen Lotte Kjøller
Kunst skabt af og ide af Kunstner Lotte Kjøller
Installationen kan ses i Gallery Lk-kunst vindue
4-30 December 2023
Bogholder Alle 66 kl th
2720 Vanløse, Copenhagen, DK
Wishing Children power! Christmas installation for children and growen ups 4-30 December 2022 in Gallery Lk-Kunst.dk. - Light art exhibition by Lotte Kjoeller
Seriously and jokingly.
Galleri Lk-kunst exhibits in the studio window. My window installations have become cool. Here you can stand in safety and study the installation without the great risk of illness. The exhibition is insured.
The Christmas installation is for both young and old children and their grown ups. With each age, the children will look at it completely differently. The bears light up, they wear red hats and are still funny. Big kids can read and so can adults... and understand a lot more. Christmas miracles can happen....
It has been a hard time for all of us Danes. Both soft men, women and children have suffered an almost civil war-like fate in our country and indeed in the whole world. The children have been the biggest losers here with us. But both children, women and mothers are the losers.
They've seen mom get knocked up. Some have even themselves got knocked up. Lots of knocked up. Women have been raped and children have been sexually abused, especially by fathers or strange men. That is why I have dedicated my Christmas installation to the abused children.
The pram I use was bought by a man who abused the children who played with the pram. Children, Grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I myself know an abused child (now an adult) who had one like that. She is my sister.
The 3 bears are a mother bear and 2 cubs. They are out for a walk with their baby trolls. I inherited these bears from my one spiritual Father when he died. I was so sad that his widow let me inherit his watch and these 3 glowing bears. I chose them because they can be used for many things and are not "only" goblins. His whole garden was full of large goblin figures. I am very happy with my bears. They remind me of a good father figure I had. We shared many things and were very similar inside and as the special people we were. That's why we could sit for hours and enjoy Bornholm specialties (that's where he came from) and discuss God and the world situation. He was a blue block man but he was also a good person. We were quite alone in our time but had each other to support us. Now, fortunately, the darkness is getting lighter and I think my Father would be proud of his Spiritual Daughter if he looks down from heaven. We who had better health than his bad heart have survived. All honor and memory to him. He looks a bit like my current husband. They were both Christian blue block men. These 3 bears are always included in my Christmas installations. They do different things. They are dressed in new clothes. The little kids absolutely love them. They call them teddy bears. But dressed-up polar bears that light up are probably also teddy bears.
The 2 babies in the bears' doll carriage are a male and a female troll. I found them at a thrift store. I couldn't resist buying them. Such 2 trolls had me and my oldest little sister who has now abused her daughter. We girls played with them a lot. We played with them until we got quite big. My game consisted of making clothes for my trolls. They had boy scout clothes, goblin clothes and all kinds of clothes. I was good at sewing so they didn't lack anything. In the summer I made a mini Boy Scout camp in the freshly cut grass in our garden for them. I think I was 16 before I stopped it. My trolls had a particularly lovely smell of raw rubber which I really liked. Look, that was today's good memorys. My Niece got her mother's trolls as a big girl. I remember that one was called Jens.
The crying child was a picture just like the one my grandmother had hanging. Mine is a gypsy child. It was the children in the old days who had a particularly hard time in Denmark and Europe. They were probably sexually abused as well. It was seen as something beautiful when a child cried. My child does not cry.
I have therefore worked a miracle so that the child can shed a tear. Today, 5/12, the picture with the child has been seen crying. When the child sheds a tear, whoever sees the miracle is healed. I have invented the miracle myself. I have had angels to help me.
The young people in Denmark and around the world have protested just as the young people did in the 60s. They have gone to a monastery. They have begun to pray. Who would have believed it? A brighter energy has arisen because of the young people's choice of job. We are entering a brighter time in an otherwise dark time for that reason. Let the Christmas message and love prevail. Let the light and the little baby Jesus prevail.
May Father and Mother talk to their children about it! May Father give the child what he wants - love and no more beatings and incest.
I am exhibiting my installation from 4 - 30 Dec. It is most beautiful when the sun rises and sets so you can see it glow. Lotte Kjøller's installation was created by 2 men and 1 woman who work with the children in Denmark and around the world. Not all adults mistreat children. And the children need to know that.
We put luminous art in windows. Art with a message. Art with hope. Christmas hope. We wish you all a happy and peaceful Christmas. Let's focus on all the children in the world. Poor kids, rich kids, big kids, little kids and yes, even us grown kids. Men and women. All God's children. Those children are our new future. Your children are our future. If all the young people in the world go to monasteries, there will be no future for families and children and our world will die out. Let us therefore make peace with each other and introduce more peaceful methods for the upbringing of our women and children and young people.
Hereby, White Angel Church, Lk-Kunsthal and Gallery Lk-Kunst wish you a truly blessed Christmas where you must give a good gift to those you love, just as the 3 deputies did for the baby Jesus, and remember to care for each other.
Regards, Lotte Kjøller
Art created by and idea of Artist Lotte Kjøller
The installation can be seen in the Gallery Lk-kunst window
4-30 December 2023
Bogholder Alle 66 at th
2720 Vanløse, Copenhagen, DK
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