Artmoneyworldwide PARIS 2022.
Så - kære venner - så blev der sat det sidste punktum for Parisudstillingen.
Det var op ad bakke og der var mange ændringer undervejs, men da vi endelig nåede til Paris var alt godt! Galleriet var fantastisk, lå et godt sted i gallerikvarteret. Der var oven i købet en lille café som nabo.
Ferniseringen var forrygende og stemningen var høj. Vi mødtes alle bagefter i restauranten Art & Metiers, som både var hyggelig, havde masser af stemning og god mad.
Mange kunstnere havde benyttet lejligheden til en lille ferie i Paris med ægtefælle og børn og børnebørn. De droppede ud og ind ad galleriet i de næste dage også.
Mange kunstnere havde benyttet lejligheden til en lille ferie i Paris med ægtefælle og børn og børnebørn. De droppede ud og ind ad galleriet i de næste dage også.
Vejret var ikke med os i starten, det sneede faktisk på ferniseringsdagen, og kufferterne var fulde af sommertøj. Folk frøs og havde skuldrene oppe om ørerne, så der kom ikke så mange gæster. Henad vejen blev det lunere, og mange kom forbi. Vi fik besøg af mange lokale kunstnere, som ville høre om konceptet, og om hvordan de selv kunne blive artmoneykunstnere.
Vi fik solgt lidt over 90 artmoney, og det var flot. Salget fordelte sig på mange forskellige kunstnere, så det illustrerer fint, at mangfoldigheden tiltaler folk.
Om formiddagen gik vi Paris tynd, fik set udstillinger og museer, Eifeltårnet og naturligvis Louvre.
Tak til alle!
Karen og Anne-Mette
So - dear friends - this was the last of the Paris Exhibition.
It was uphill and there were many changes along the way, but when we finally reached Paris everything was fine! The gallery was amazing, located in a great location in the gallery neighborhood. There was even a small café next door.
The vernissage was terrific and the atmosphere was high. We all met afterwards in the restaurant Art & Metiers, which was both cozy, had lots of atmosphere and good food.
Many artists had taken the opportunity for a little vacation in Paris with partner, children and grandchildren. They dropped in and out of the gallery for the next few days, too.
The weather was not good in the beginning, it was actually snowing on the opening day - and the suitcases were full of summer clothes! People froze and had their shoulders up around their ears, so not many visitors came. Luckily it got warmer and many visit the gallery. Many local artists came by and wanted to hear about the concept and how they could become artmoney artists themselves.
We sold a little over 90 artmoney and it was great. The sale was distributed among many different artists, so it illustrates well that diversity appeals to people.
In the mornings we walked Paris, exhibitions and museums, the Eifel Tower and of course the Louvre.
Thanks to everyone!
Karen and Anne-Mette
It was uphill and there were many changes along the way, but when we finally reached Paris everything was fine! The gallery was amazing, located in a great location in the gallery neighborhood. There was even a small café next door.
The vernissage was terrific and the atmosphere was high. We all met afterwards in the restaurant Art & Metiers, which was both cozy, had lots of atmosphere and good food.
Many artists had taken the opportunity for a little vacation in Paris with partner, children and grandchildren. They dropped in and out of the gallery for the next few days, too.
The weather was not good in the beginning, it was actually snowing on the opening day - and the suitcases were full of summer clothes! People froze and had their shoulders up around their ears, so not many visitors came. Luckily it got warmer and many visit the gallery. Many local artists came by and wanted to hear about the concept and how they could become artmoney artists themselves.
We sold a little over 90 artmoney and it was great. The sale was distributed among many different artists, so it illustrates well that diversity appeals to people.
In the mornings we walked Paris, exhibitions and museums, the Eifel Tower and of course the Louvre.
Thanks to everyone!
Karen and Anne-Mette
Med Venlig Hilsen
Karen Sennefelder.
Billedkunstner & Udstillings arrangør.
Langvadvej 85, 7741 Frøstrup.
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