UP: photoes of "The Rolling Stones" young and old

UP: The hologram of "The Rolling Stones"
DOWN: photoes of the relay "Rolling Stones installation" by Lotte Kjoeller (female touch) in Gallery Lk-kunst.dk, Bogholder Alle 66 kl th. 2720 Vanloese, Copenhagen DK
Galleri Lk-kunst udstiller i atelierets vindue. Mine vindues installationer er blevet corona kult. Her kan man stå i sikkerhed og studere installationen uden den store smitterisiko.
Jeg Lotte Kjøller deltager i den internationale udstilling Light Windows på den internationale lysdag 16 maj. Jeg udstiller ved min stafet installationen fra 6-16 Maj 2022. (female touch). Musiker Lars Frantsen laver installationen om på sin fødselsdag 16 maj (den internationale lysdag) og udstiller sin stafet 16 maj-31 maj (male touch). Vi sætter lysende kunst med hologrammer i vinduer.
Installationen i maj 2022 hedder Rolling Stones fordi der indgår en elektrisk guitar fra dengang og et hologram af bandet o.s.v. Kom lige før skumring og nyd synet imens solen står op eller går ned. Det er en installation der omhandler musik. Så kom og se et hologram med Rolling Stones - et samleobjekt fra 70érne.
6-16 maj Skabt og ide af Kunstner Lotte Kjøller
16-31 maj skabt af og Effekt sponsor Musiker Lars Frantsen
Installationen kan ses i Gallery Lk-kunst vindue
6-31 maj 2022
Bogholder Alle 66 kl th
2720 Vanløse, Copenhagen, DK
The Rolling Stones er et engelsk rockband dannet i London i 1962. De har været aktive i seks årtier og er et af de mest populære og varige bands i rocktiden. I begyndelsen af 1960'erne var Rolling Stones banebrydende for den grove, tungere drevne lyd, der kom til at definere hård rock.[1] Deres første stabile line-up bestod af vokalist Mick Jagger, multiinstrumentalist Brian Jones, guitarist Keith Richards, bassist Bill Wyman og trommeslager Charlie Watts. I løbet af deres formative år var Jones den primære leder: han samlede bandet, gav det navnet og drev deres lyd og image. Efter Andrew Loog Oldham blev gruppens manager i 1963, opfordrede han dem til at skrive deres egne sange. Jagger og Richards blev den primære kreative kraft bag bandet og fremmedgjorde Jones, som havde udviklet en stofmisbrug, der forstyrrede hans evne til at bidrage meningsfuldt.
Med rod i blues og tidlig rock and roll, startede Rolling Stones med at spille covers og var i spidsen for den britiske invasion i 1964, og blev også identificeret med 1960'ernes ungdommelige og oprørske modkultur. De fik derefter større succes med deres eget materiale, da "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction" (1965), "Get Off of My Cloud" (1965) og "Paint It Black" (1966) blev internationale nr. 1 hits . Aftermath (1966) – deres første helt originale album – anses for at være den vigtigste af deres formative plader.[2] I 1967 havde de det dobbeltsidede hit "Ruby Tuesday"/"Let's Spend the Night Together" og eksperimenterede med psykedelisk rock på Their Satanic Majesties Request. De vendte tilbage til deres rødder med hits som "Jumpin' Jack Flash" (1968) og "Honky Tonk Women" (1969) og albums som Beggars Banquet (1968), med "Sympathy for the Devil" og Let It Bleed (1969), med "You Can't Always Get What You Want" og "Gimme Shelter". Let It Bleed var det første af fem på hinanden følgende nr. 1-album i Storbritannien.
Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi
site: Experience the Rolling Stones
Et holografisk billede kan ses ved at se ind i et oplyst holografisk print eller ved at skinne en laser gennem et hologram og projicere billedet på en skærm.
Andre metoder til at projicere og reflektere billeder beskrives ofte som holografiske – eller endda vildledende hologrammer– fordi de har en optisk tilstedeværelse, rumlig kvalitet eller iriserende farver.
Tidligere var der en klar skelnen mellem hologrammer og andre visuelle medier. Men som teknologien udvikler sig der er flere hybride medier, der bruger nogle af principperne for holografi, eller skabt rumlige billeder, der ligner hologrammer.
Gallery Lk-kunst exhibits in the studio's window. My window installations have become corona cult. Here you can stand in safety and study the installation without the great risk of infection.
I Lotte Kjøller participates in the international exhibition Light Windows together with other artists from all over the world on the international day of light 16 May. I exhibit the installation from 7-31 May 2022. We put luminous art with holograms in windows.
Come just before dusk and enjoy the view while the sun rises or sets. It is an installation that deals with music. Then come and see a hologram with the Rolling Stones - a collectible from the 60s. If possible, a band I know will give a concert with, among other things, Rolling Stones music under Light Windows.
The Rolling Stones are an English rock band formed in London in 1962. Active for six decades, they are one of the most popular and enduring bands of the rock era. In the early 1960s, the Rolling Stones pioneered the gritty, heavier-driven sound that came to define hard rock.[1] Their first stable line-up consisted of vocalist Mick Jagger, multi-instrumentalist Brian Jones, guitarist Keith Richards, bassist Bill Wyman, and drummer Charlie Watts. During their formative years Jones was the primary leader: he assembled the band, named it, and drove their sound and image. After Andrew Loog Oldham became the group's manager in 1963, he encouraged them to write their own songs. Jagger and Richards became the primary creative force behind the band, alienating Jones, who had developed a drug addiction that interfered with his ability to contribute meaningfully.
Rooted in blues and early rock and roll, the Rolling Stones started out playing covers and were at the forefront of the British Invasion in 1964, also being identified with the youthful and rebellious counterculture of the 1960s. They then found greater success with their own material as "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction" (1965), "Get Off of My Cloud" (1965) and "Paint It Black" (1966) became international No. 1 hits. Aftermath (1966) – their first entirely original album – is considered the most important of their formative records.[2] In 1967, they had the double-sided hit "Ruby Tuesday"/"Let's Spend the Night Together" and experimented with psychedelic rock on Their Satanic Majesties Request. They returned to their roots with such hits as "Jumpin' Jack Flash" (1968) and "Honky Tonk Women" (1969), and albums such as Beggars Banquet (1968), featuring "Sympathy for the Devil", and Let It Bleed (1969), featuring "You Can't Always Get What You Want" and "Gimme Shelter". Let It Bleed was the first of five consecutive No. 1 albums in the UK.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
site: Experience the Rolling Stones
A holographic image can be viewed by looking into an illuminated holographic print or by shining a laser through a hologram and projecting the image onto a screen.
Other methods of projecting and reflecting images are often described as holographic - or even misleading holograms - because they have an optical presence, spatial quality, or iridescent colors.
Previously, there was a clear distinction between holograms and other visual media. But as technology evolves there are more hybrid media that use some of the principles of holography, or created spatial images that resemble holograms.
1. 6-16 may. Lotte Kjøller. Female touch. Rolling Stones Installation 1. 6.05.2022
Rolling Stones Installation Man
2. 16-31 may. dedikeret musiker Lars Frantsen. Male Touch. Rolling Stones Installation 2. 16.05.2022
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